Why do you Need a COVID Vaccination Card? It’s all About Control

The COVID vaccination card? If you look behind all of the coersion and manipulation that has taken place over this past 18 months, it’s all about control. COVID has become a religious cult of control, and it’s caused mass divide amongst humanity. None of it is healthy.

Some people chose to take the vaccine with the belief that it would return life to ‘normal’, but this new normal is what we see in society. The hand sanitiser in every place we walk into, the face mask mandate on most shop doors and windows, and the social distancing stickers. The psychological damage has been done. Most people swallowed the pseudoscience, but if you look back at what SAGE and these ‘experts’ told you it has never been about boosting your immune system through diet, exercise, and healthy relationships including touch and hugs etc, but about getting you read for the ‘saviour’ vaccine. Now it’s all about the COVID vaccination card and those who have the common sense to say no to this experimental technology, which is injected and causes development of a spike protein against this supposed COVID-19 ‘virus’, but many censored doctors and experts are warning that these spike proteins may cause pro-inflammation, as this is what happened during the animal trials. Post COVID-19 vaccine deaths stand at over 1500 in the UK alone, and yet people are still queuing up for their vaccines and then receive the COVID vaccination card, proud as punch.

The COVID vaccination card is a system of control being used to divide society, and it’s a prerequisite for the mark of the beast system which is required for the future antichrist leader and his one world government. This is not conspiracy. It’s biblical. Read revelation chapter 13. Some Christians actually say this vaccine is the mark of the beast, but the bible is specific and says that people will know that they are worshipping the beast, but today it’s people worshipping the vaccine and seeing it as the cure all to get society back to normal. It’s definite conditioning for what is coming in the future. Much of the ‘church’ has been swayed into believing the virus narrative and leading their sheep astray through the ‘good of humanity’. Jesus is the Shephard of his flock (all believers) and he leads people into truth and discernment, not destruction and death.

Whatever people call me, I have done my best to warn people over the past twelve months through my website, Covid Truths. Satan is the current god of this world system and he is a liar, deceiver, and a murderer. Spiritual discernment is necessary and it is only available to us through the Word of God. Almighty God speaks to us through His Word, not mediums, tarot cards, or angel cards.

If you have had your vaccine to receive a COVID vaccination card to allow you to visit sports events, concerts, festivals etc, please realise that you are already within that system and future vaccinations will be necessary for you, and if you don’t comply then you may be locked out of that system. It’s all about control, it’s always been about control. So much money and coersion has achieved the psychological control that these wicked leaders require in order to make their money. It’s never been about saving lives, but destroying them in such cruel inhumane ways, just like the devil works.

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