Healthy Snacks & Healthy Eating Tips To Give You Power Through the Day

Healthy snacks? They seem to be everywhere, but some products can be loaded with sugar and it is sugar that can leave the body feeling sluggish, tired, and lead to unhealthy eating. Break fast is technically to break the fast, as your body has been in a state of fasting during sleep. the longer you can maintain the fast the greater the benefits to your body. Here are some excellent books on fasting and the health benefits that fasting can bring to your entire body and mind.

Are Healthy Snacks Only Fruit?

Fruit can be a good source of fibre and energy throughout the day, but not everyone is into fruit. I am not much of a fruit lover. I can buy fruit, then forget about it, and then it’s lost it juice and it’s a waste of money. Healthy snacks can be something like a spoon of coconut oil. Do not let the fact that coconut oil is over sixty percent saturated fat put you off, because coconut oil offers so many health benefits for the body. Here are a few. Bruce Fife has written books on coconut oil, which is a good resource to learn more.

  • Coconut oil is a rare medium chain triglyceride fatty acid, which means that it is less likely to be stored as fat in the body, but more likely a source of fat and energy that the body will use, therefore it helps to encourage weight loss. Bear in mind that a tablespoon contains an average 100 calories.
  • Coconut oil has a very high smoke point making it a good source of fat for frying with. Butter is another excellent source. Some vegetable oils can oxidise quickly when heated to high temperatures leading to free radical damage, which affects every cell of your body in a negative way.
  • Healthy snacks like desiccated coconut oil can be used in recipes like cakes and cookies. This adds fibre and that delicious tropical taste that people either love or hate.

Try Wheatgrass Juice Powder as a Healthy Snack Boost to Healthy Eating

Fresh wheatgrass to juice can be difficult to find online. If you do find it then you have to wait days to receive the grass, and then you might not be in the mood to juice it. Why not get all of the health benefits of wheatgrass with wheatgrass juice powder. Frozen wheatgrass juice can lose its freshness, and plain wheatgrass powder does not pack the punch of fresh wheatgrass or wheatgrass juice powder. Navi Organics make a kamut grass juice powder that is nutritious and tasty.

Fermented Foods as a Healthy Snack

Some fermented foods can be expensive to buy like raw sauerkraut, as most supermarket bought sauerkrauts are pasteurised, which kills all of the microbes goodness. However, if you don’t mind getting your hands (and kitchen) messy, then why not make your own. The last batch of sauerkraut I made was about a month ago with red cabbage. Perhaps I added a little too much salt, but a forkful before my meals helps my digestion and adds billions of healthy bacteria to my gut.

Here is a recipe on how to make your own sauerkraut, which is also an aphrodisiac. I like adding caraway seeds and black peppercorns. Home Bargains has some great sized glass jars in which you can add the shredded cabbage. As for the shredding tool, this oxo vegetable peeler is wonderful, as the mandolin slicer isn’t that easy to use when the cabbage doesn’t want to stay put.

If you would like to read more about microbes, and perhaps invest in your gut with their liquid probiotics, visit Microbz and if you add this discount code LUVMICROBZ you will get 20%  off your order. I use their microbes power cleaner to clean my kitchen, and the air freshener.

Other healthy snacks include raw nuts and seeds, but they are also high in calories so measure in a small cup so that you do not overeat on calories.

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