Say Bye Bye to Brain Fog Today With Promind Complex Supplement

Promind Complex Supplement is an affordable solution against brain fog, tiredness, difficulties in concentration. These six research proven techniques can effectively assist your memory and enhance recall, and retention of information, or you can take research proven ingredients to eliminate brain fog and improve your brain today.

  1. Increase your water intake – This is simple, but important since the brain is 80 percent water and any slight dehydration can affect performance. Alcoholic beverages and excess tea and coffee act as diuretics which can cause dehydration and may affect your brain performance. Dehydration of just a small 2 percent impairs performance in even tasks that require concentration, physical performance, and memory skills.
  2. Add sensory information for faster learning – For example, look around you. What do you see, hear, smell, and touch. This can improve your memory.
  3. Good rest – a good night’s sleep rejuvenates every cell in the body and gives the brain a chance to repair itself. It also washes away neurodegenerative toxins that are built up during the day, while also activating neuronal connections that may otherwise deteriorate due to inactivity. Research shows that sleep deprivation can cause  a significant reduction in memory deficits, so make sure that you wind down at the end of the day by lessening your reliance on television, phones, tablets, and add a few drops of lavender oil to a bath to relax your mind before bedtime.
  4. Use mnemonic devices – these devices are often used by students to aid them in information recall.
  5. Reduce your intake of toxins – Excess alcohol and tobaccco can increase your risk for developing dementia, so the best way to lessen your risk is to eliminate them altogether. Research on tobacco and the brain shows that it negatively affects the hippocampus, which is the brain’s majory memory centre.
  6. Try reading out loud – 2017 research in this area found that reading content out loud dramatically improves your memory of the written content.

Ingredients Inside Promind Complex Supplement

The Promind Complex supplement was created by Carl Henderson, professor of psychology from Austin, TX.

Some of the ingredients found inside this brain boosting supplement includes Huperzine A, Ginkgo Biloba leaf, Vincopetine, St John’s Wort, Bacopa Monnieri and many others.

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