How Long Does it Take For Serrapeptase to Work? The Answer is Quickly

how long does it take for serrapeptase to work

If you have newly discovered this ‘miracle enzyme’, you may wonder how long does it take for serrapapetase to work? The good news is that serrapeptase works quicky, however, what is important is the dosage.

Let me share with you my experience with serrapeptase. Have you ever felt so passionate about something that you wanted to share this good news with people? This is my experience.

How did I first discover serrapeptase? I read a story of a cat owner who discovered some ‘miracle enzyme’ that dissolved the blood clot in her cat’s leg, and our cat developed blood clots, first in her front legs which was treated with veterinary medications, but then she developed clots in her hind legs, so I was desperate to try something. I wrote a post yesterday on the various Serrapeptase products and it was actually Nattokinase that this owner used to help to dissolve the blood clots in her cat’s leg, but at the time no capsule names were mentioned, just the miracle enzyme, so looking up the keyword ‘the miracle enzyme’ brought me to the website Good Health Naturally and I was amazed to see that they had a serrapeptase products for pets called SerraPet.

I found SerraPet on the Good Health Naturally website, but the pills had an enteric coating and were quite large and it was difficult to get Angel to swallow one whole. I could have cut it up and added it to food, but I didn’t know we could do this back then. Then the vet didn’t recommend we try this SerraPet, but instead insisted on his medications instead, and sadly my partner agreed with him. We had to put her down shortly after.

If you want to know something about me. I am a natural experimenter. The world’s health experts will always talk about allopathic medications as the only way to treat an ailment or a disease, but I am open to trying other methods, and I will always be this way. If I was to develop cancer, for example, I would try methods like dry fasting rather than the usual methods. I know that fasting is powerful because it is mentioned over and over in the Bible and I’ve seen its power in interceding for people through prayer and fasting, and no man can say otherwise with wisdom over God’s Word. However, we have plenty of ignorance from ‘experts’ who just fail to research these wonderful methods like dry fasting, for example, for themselves. And no, dry fasting with no food or water for three days did not kill me. What is amazing is that the body produces its own water from fat cells. The Ukranians are big into dry fasting and have some clinics where they supervise these methods. So the serrapeptase for the cat is the first way I discovered this effective anti-inflammatory capsule and I’ve been taking it for years as a prophylaxis against muscle injuries from weight training. I do a lot of kettlebell training and new workouts can sometimes cause me to pull a muscle.

How long does it take for serrapeptase to work?

The answer is a few days, dependent on the dose. If I was taking just one dose for a pulled muscle I might expect to feel relief in four or five days, but I just increase the dose from one capsule in the morning to four spaced out throughout the day. The last muscle injury was in my left shoulder, and the time previous to that I pulled a muscle in my inner thigh. I was retraining in as little as two days with no pain from the previous injuries. What is the rapid cure? Serrapeptase, available through iHerb.

I love this product so much that I signed up to be an affiliate marketer with Good Health Naturally, but they have since closed the programme. So far, my sister takes it every day and she suffered with slight knee pain when she walks up the stairs, but this has now gone. My mum takes it for her swollen ankles and they are a lot less plump. I have offered it to people in the past, one neighbour who struggled to breathe with some printouts, but I am not sure if she tried it and she has since died, and another neighbour who told me he has COPD, so I gave him a bottle, but he’s not been taking it. I am passionate about serrapeptase because if you wonder how long does it take for Serrapeptase to work, the answer is it works really quickly.

When I do injure myself through weight training, I up the dose to up to four per day and the healing is rapid and I often complete the same workout two days later. What are you waiting for? Why would you take allopathic anti-inflammatory drugs that can leave you with nasty side effects when SerraEnzyme can be taken alongside other medications provide effective fast pain relief in a matter of days?

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